If you are looking for the Net Zero event videos taken from the meeting held in Clovelly on the 31st July 2024 then please visit the forum page by clicking the button below.
We would like to achieve a higher quality and flow of information and exchange between the members of the Community Forum; and men / woman acting as your public servants in their respective councils, with the aim of building bridges of trust between both.
Where are we going?
To facilitate a level of Informed consensus on particular issues. To inform men / woman acting as your public servants in their respective councils of the consensus reached on a particular matter on the Community Forum with a view of bringing this to council.
To engage in respectful non-violent communication.
To Seek to communicate with honesty, transparency and integrity in all your communications with others.
To Participate in open enquiring discourse and discussion; as the means to gain ever more refined knowledge, compassion and wisdom.
Aims to facilitate an increase in the qualitative characteristic of engaged political discourse and decision making through several ways.
Under the microscope…. a pathway to Direct Democracy
Encouraging a more Participatory Community with Constructive Deliberation and discussion to better understand the nature of the issues at hand.
Direct Democracy
Would you like to further engage in the NET ZERO CARBON / PLANNING conversation? As an informed and valued man / woman; your community needs YOUR VOICE TODAY!
You feel a greater level of transparency and accountability is needed in local politics to ensure that the necessary checks and balances are in place for a functioning democracy to prevail.
You would like to find a way to begin to engage and address the issues that concern you in your local community and environment.
You are open to exploring a new way of achieving this outside of the conventional council mechanisms for doing so.
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Question and answer threads allow answers to a question to be voted up and down, and an accepted solution to be selected.
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